What people said about us!

“We cannot thank Heidy enough for taking on the task of overseeing our mother's medical care. Our late 80's mother, who remained employed and busy living an independent life, fell ill suddenly and required intensive medical intervention in the hospital for months, followed by homecare and having a live-in aide.
Heidy jumped in immediately and sorted out all the medical information, helped find the right primary care physician, coordinated all medical appointments and had the presence of mind to arrange for bloodwork to be done at home one night, which probably saved mom's life by identifying a toxic chemical imbalance which could have been fatal.
Heidy is very hands-on and has taken a huge burden off the family members. Having a medical professional involved to make appointments, coordinate transportation, communicate with the providers and interpret the medical data has been invaluable. Thankfully, our mother is on the mend and should have more years of happy times with friends and family.”
- Name withheld for privacy
“Heidy has been a life saver. My parents are in their 80’s and they still live at home. But it has been difficult with them managing their medications and day to day activities. Heidy has been there to make sure their medications are being taken and she and her husband have been taking them to their doctor's visits. It has been so helpful as I could not manage all of their needs. I highly recommend Heidy for anyone dealing with their aging parents!”
- David A. Robins